Chicago Flowers Bright, sunny springtime wishes are best sent with our charming basket arrangement. This garden-inspired gift brings together bunches of yellow, white and lavender blooms, hand-gathered in a split wood basket. Sweet gingham ribbon finishes it off for a fresh-from-the-meadow feel to make someone’s heart happy.
- One-sided arrangement with yellow roses, yellow, white and lavender daisy poms, lavender stock and athos poms; accented with assorted greenery
- Large arrangement does not include yellow daisy poms; measures approximately 14"H x 15"W
- Medium arrangement does not include yellow daisy poms; measures approximately 12"H x 14"W
- Small arrangement does not include roses, stock or athos poms; measures approximately 10.5"H x 13"W
- Artistically designed in a splitwood handled basket with liner, accented with a gingham print ribbon; measures 7"L
- We select the freshest flowers available, so colors, varieties, and container may vary due to local availability